Network security wep vs wpa
Network security wep vs wpa

network security wep vs wpa

Cryptographically this is a much more secure practice.

network security wep vs wpa

A hierarchy of keys is used, all derived from the Master. Master keys are used directly in WEP Master Keys are never used directly in WPA. A different secret key is used for each packet, and the way the key is scrambled with the secret key is more complex. Weak IV values are susceptible to attack WPA avoids using known weak IV values. In addition IVs are now used as a sequence counter, the TSC (TKIP Sequence Counter), protecting against replaying of data, a major vulnerability in WEP. IV values can be reused/IV length is too short The length of the IV has been increased from 24bits to 48bits. The weaknesses in WEP have been well publicized. This means that all the main building blocks of WEP are present, but corrective measures have been added to address security problems. TKIP is designed to allow WEP to be upgraded.

network security wep vs wpa

WPA uses Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP). WPA delivers a level of security way beyond anything that WEP can offer, bridges the gap between WEP and 802.11i networks, and has the advantage that the firmware in older equipment may be upgradeable. WiFi compliance ensures interoperability between different manufacturers equipment. WiFi Protected Access (WPA) is the new security standard adopted by the WiFi Alliance consortium.

Network security wep vs wpa